Ldap Cheat Sheet

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  2. Ldap Search Cheat Sheet
  3. Ldap Injection Cheat Sheet

Here in this Common Ports cheat sheet, I have described the most commonly used or well-known network communication ports and its associated services, daemons.

The physical ports on your computer allow communicate with peripheral devices such as your keyboard and mouse and to connect with internet devices via Ethernet cables.

Running ldapsearch using simple authentication $ ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=fulltilt,dc=com' 'userName=.' Running ldapsearch using simple authentication and the rootdn. (Passwords won’t show up in the result unless bind is done this way.). Running ldapadd / ldapmodify with correct rootdn. Running ldapadd or ldapmodify and using the rootdn configured in slapd.conf: $ ldapmodify -x -v -D 'cn=root,dc=fulltilt,dc=com' -w 'foo$bar' $ ldapadd -x -v -D 'cn=root,dc=fulltilt,dc=com' -w 'foo$bar'. Assumes rootdn is defined something like this.

Ldap Cheat Sheet

Your computer has two types of ports, physical ports, and network communication ports. Physical ports on your computer allow communicating with the peripheral devices, while network communication ports will allow communicating with different computers or remote devices.

Common Ports Cheat sheet


Most common questions about the the networking ports from the public,

What are the most common ports?

HTTP – Port 80.
HTTPS – 443.
FTP – 21.
FTPS / SSH – 22.
POP3 – 110.
POP3 SSL – 995.
IMAP – 143.
IMAP SSL – 993.

What is the common service port?

Ldap Cheat Sheet

The services and its port numbers are used to differentiate between various services that execute over transport protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, and SCTP.

Ldap Cheat Sheet

What is port 445 commonly used for?

TCP port 445 is used for direct TCP/IP MS Networking access without the need for a NetBIOS layer. This service is only implemented in the more recent verions of Windows (e.g. Windows 2K / XP). The SMB protocol is used among other things for file sharing in Windows NT/2K/XP.

What port 8080 is typically used for?

Generally, the services and its port numbers are used to differentiate between various services that execute over transport protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP.
– System Ports (0-1023)
– User Ports (1024-49151)
– Dynamic / Private Ports (49152-65535)

What is port 443?

Port 443 is the standard port for all secured HTTP traffic, meaning it’s absolutely essential for most modern web activity. Encryption is necessary to protect information, as it makes its way between your computer and a web server.

Should I block port 445?

It is recommend blocking port 445 on internal firewalls to segment your network. This will prevent internal spreading of the ransomware. Note that blocking TCP 445 will prevent file and printer sharing. If this is required for business, you may need to leave the port open on some internal firewalls.

Why is Port 0 reserved?

Ldap Pentest Cheat Sheet

Port 0 is a wildcard port that tells the system to find a suitable port number. Unlike most port numbers, port 0 is a reserved port in TCP/IP networking, meaning that it should not be used in TCP or UDP messages.

Ldap Search Cheat Sheet

What is TCP UDP?


TCP is a connection-oriented protocol and UDP is a connection-less protocol. TCP establishes a connection between a sender and receiver before data can be sent. UDP does not establish a connection before sending data.

Is TCP faster than UDP?

Ldap Injection Cheat Sheet

A key difference between TCP and UDP is speed, as TCP is comparatively slower than UDP. Overall, UDP is a much faster, simpler, and efficient protocol, however, retransmission of lost data packets is only possible with TCP.

Is UDP secure?

The connection-oriented methods of TCP make security much easier to implement in that protocol in UDP. However, there are encryption standards available for UDP. The main option that directly aims at security UDP is the Datagram Transport Layer Security protocol or DTLS.


  • https://web.mit.edu/rhel-doc/4/RH-DOCS/rhel-sg-en-4/ch-ports.html